Kelowna 2016 Dîner en Blanc

My mama invited me to go to an event called Dîner en Blanc. I quickly made the decision to go as I've heard great reviews about this event. I was excited to be part of this spectacle and it certainly lived up to my expectations!

Diner en Blanc involves a large group of people gathering together, wearing all white and dinning together in an undisclosed public space. Everyone who attends MUST where all white and bring their own dinning materials. The location not disclosed until last minute, so you can only imagine the suspense and excitement that was in the air! All attendees meet at  the assigned location, load onto the buses, which take everyone to the secret location. 

This years Dîner en Blanc was located at the Dolphins water front near the Grand Hotel. I essentially played paparazzi for my mom and I had so much fun doing so!  I followed my mother and her friends around the event. I was extremely happy (and relieved) that I decided to bring my camera with me! What a wonderful event! 


Colourful Portraits with my Mother

A few days ago I photographed a children's birthday party in Kelowna. At the event there were these beautiful massive balloons. I asked the parents (my clients)  if I could take some balloons home, and they said I could!  The event ended late, I stuffed the balloons into my car. You can only imagine how silly I looked driving with a car stuffed with pink baloons! Anyways, as it was late, I decided to spend the night at my mothers house nearby.

My mother was also mesmerized by these balloons! I wanted to use the balloons as soon as possible. I decided it would be a great idea to take photographs of my mother with the balloons in the morning. 

In the morning my mother put on her favourite dress and we went to her pergola in her backyard.  The photos turned out great - I absolutely love them. When my mother looked at the pictures she was amazed at herself. I'am glad my pictures can reflect her inner and outer beauty. I had a lot of fun with these portraits !